Focal Point 2023 Highlights

Our highlights from 2023 include working with more great partner organisations who share our goal of creating more inclusive respectful and safer workplaces. You can access a range of our webinars and podcasts again in the full article.
Going into lockdown prompted a change in how we delivered training and the start of a learning journey for us as a Support Team…
Emerging from lockdown is going to present a number of challenges for teams. But it also opens up huge opportunities for different ways of working…and it is the organisations that harness these opportunities which will thrive…
We are very sad to be saying a fond farewell to Heather McIntosh as starts her retirement today.
Our facilitator and coach Tracey Willmott draws on her many years of leadership development experience to talk about the benefits of using a behaviour profile to raise our self awareness. Being aware of the effect we have on others is particularly vital when everyone is at sea and feeling the strain…
Despite the continued covid chaos, many office parties went ahead in December in person. How did they go?
We are delighted to have our article Walk the Line published in the ILM’s newly relaunched The Edge magazine this month.
When helping you to manage inappropriate behaviour and create a truly inclusive workplace, there is nothing we haven’t seen. We approach each project with the utmost discretion. Contact us today to discuss the best way forward for your situation.